Environmental education




The environmental education and awareness program aboard the "Mahayana" is mainly carried out through the sampling of sea water with the manta trawl, an equipment loaned to us by the Californian environmental organization "5 Gyres", which allows us to detect the microplastic concentrations in the water.

This activity offers a direct experience to people and the possibility for them to see with their own eyes what our sea contains, in order to better understand the consequences that this type of pollution causes. In fact, after the sampling, with the support of a marine biologist, we conduct examinations, measurements and counting of the collected microparticles.


The size of the particles makes us understand how difficult it is, if not impossible, to detect them with the naked eye but also how, given the size, it is easy for fish to ingest them unintentionally and remain contaminated. Plastic has absorbent properties and concentrates numerous chemicals present in the water which, when ingested by the fish, are absorbed in turn and permeate their muscle tissue. Finally, we find these toxic substances on our table.

Particular attention is always paid to children and young people who show extraordinary interest and participation. Here we see them engaged in the identification and counting of microplastic particles collected during a sampling carried out during an eco-tour.

The environmental education activity is carried out by the The Blue Dream Project team during all the activities provided by the association, such as daily eco tours , summer camps etc...to explain how to have virtuous behavior in the use of plastic in our lives

Discover our Environmental Eco Tours


A characteristic 18-metre schooner with gaff sails, built entirely of wood and designed for an environmental project to raise awareness on the issue of plastic in the sea. Sailing with us means taking a leap back in time, it means experiencing those emotions that only history, with its traditions, can give you. Lie on deck, eyes closed, with the sun warming your face and feel the gentle roll of the boat while it safely furrows the water. Or imagine the satisfaction of hoisting the mainsail, along with two or three other people, to the sound of "one two thre, heave!!, just like you’ve probably seen in the movies of adventurers and pirates. With its 36 tons and more than 200 square meters of sails, our schooner guarantees you to live moments that will remain etched in your memory and that you will tell your children and your grandchildren. 

Departures from Porto Santo Stefano or Talamone around 19:00 on Friday.

Sailing to the island of Giglio; nights at anchor; circumnavigation of the island.

Return on Sunday afternoon.

Disembarkation from the same port of departure around 17:00.

Weekly cruises

Below is an illustrative description of the possible course of the week. Activities and routes may be subject to change ( weather, etc.).

It is also possible to organize custom cruises.

All our activities are characterized by eco-sustainability and respect and appreciation of nature. Special attention is paid to minimizing the use of plastic in any form: before boarding you will receive guidelines on what to bring on board.

Departures from Porto Santo Stefano or Talamone around 19:00 on Friday.

Route towards Giglio Island on Saturday, circumnavigation of the island and afternoon / evening spent exploring its scenic and architectural beauty with dinner in one of the restaurants on the island. Night in port.

Monday: Excursion from Giglio Castello to the southern tip of the island, Capel Rosso; pick up with the boat at Capel Rosso, night at anchor at Cala dell'allume. 

Tuesday: if the weather is favorable we will sail towards the island of Montecristo returning in the evening, after sunset, to the Bay of Campese.

Wednesday: we will sail towards Giannutri, stop to swim and then en route to one of the Argentario coves. Night in the characteristic Porto Ercole.

Thursday: we will sail along the coast of the Argentario, swim at Cala del Gesso or Cala Grande, and then en route to Talamone. Night at anchor in the Gulf of Talamone.

Friday: guided hike in the Park trail with packed lunch and return on board in the late afternoon. Dinner at one of the local restaurants. 

Saturday: relaxing day with sail towards Cala di Forno, swim, lunch, free time on the beautiful beach of Cala di Forno, within the Natural Park of Maremma, in the company of wild deer with their young ones. Night at anchor in front of the long beach of Alberese.

Sunday: a day of sailing, slowly passing time, wind and sun on your face... Return to port of departure, landing scheduled for 17:00.

Hoping to see you again!!

Summer camps

Our summer camps are designed for children and teenagers, age groups 10-13 years and 14-17 years. Our association provides real sailing courses, navigation and life on board preparatory to a growth aimed at the exploration of new horizons and a mental openness indispensable to face the modernity of their future. The approach is "counterintuitive" since it is a matter of taking a dip in the past aboard our "boat of other times", to verify, with personal experience, the bases and priorities of our existence. Through the activities on board they will have the opportunity to create teambuilding and awareness in a social environment in close contact with nature, in this case the sea. Even the youngest can participate, in maximum safety, to all the maneuvers (to set anchor, to hoist and to lower the sails, to helm, to learn to make the knots, to study the principles of the wind and the sail, a quick lesson on navigation and reading the charts); they will actively participate in the preparation of meals, to set up, to wash the dishes while saving water, to do the cleaning on deck and below deck (inside and outside). They will also have the opportunity to follow some lessons on the protection of the sea and on the environmental impacts created by man. Alternatives and solutions to the use of plastic will be proposed and they will be made aware of their potential as citizens of Planet Earth.

The typical day, repetitive in form but changing in content, will take place as follows:

07:30 wake up call

get dressed, wash your face, make the bed

08:00 breakfast 

08:30 general cleaning, in turns ( dishes, sweeping, washing floors, deck washing)

09:15 theoretical sailing lesson

10:00 practical lesson ( knots, technical classifications, manoeuvre identification)

10:30 we sail. Practical application of what they studied in the morning. Sail, helm, navigation ( coastal).

12:00 anchoring in a cove, swim, games, relax

12:30 lunch preparations

13:30 lunch time (while sailing or at anchor)

14:00 clean up

15:00 we sail, maneuvers, helm, etc

17:30 return in port or anchor, free time

18:30 theoretical lesson/environmmental, q&a

19:30 dinner preparations

20:30 dinner followed by the clean up

21:30 viewing of a documentary

22:30 lights out (also cellphones/tablet/kindle)

Research Activities

We are available for non-profit associations and research institutes

Educational activities with schools


Costo tessera: 15€



10 E.

To join or to make a donation, you can make a transfer to The Blue Dream Project - Banca Unicredit - IBAN: IT77R0200803284000105548349